Thursday, August 7, 2008

Gambling and Shooting and Lightning, Oh, My!

Yes, the boys are definitely being corrupted (in a good way). Today's weather made it a great day for a field trip. They hopped on the bus rented by the camp and went to Saratoga. You read that right. The boys went to the track. They were not allowed to gamble away their funds, but they did have the opportunity to learn about probability.

On the way back from that outing, they stopped at a laser tag venue for the shooting.

Today, only the lightning was real. Several of us spent some extra time (and some extra money) in the Golden Goal store while a thunderstorm blew through. Just after we walked into the store, the call came down for us to keep the boys inside until the weather cleared. It poured for a while and then cleared off so that we could all walk back safely.

Tomorrow, the boys have their final day and a number of activities are planned. If the weather holds (i.e., no lightning), Adirondack Extreme is the first stop.


Anonymous said...

I pray for good weather on Friday so you all can expierence the the Adirondack Extreme. Thank You again for keeping us informed with daily blogs. If you see Brad #2,
8th grade, give him a kiss on the cheek from his Mom. ha ha

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! Our family has enjoyed and looked forward to reading your blog daily. We appreciate your time and fantastic writing ability! We wish everyone a safe and pleasant trip home!!