Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 2.5: Update

First off is the update on yesterday’s injury. The injured player is #30 and it is his radius that is fractured. He has it splinted and wrapped and will have it set and put in a cast upon his return to California.

In other news, we learned that two games did happen on Saturday night. Only one of them was lacrosse. The two teams that 5/6 Crush faced were combined into one team and Crush went up against them. No one seems able to remember the score (not that it really matters), but I understand that #44, who is normally a defensive player, scored a goal!

The other game was played under the lights with the music on. The boys and some of the coaches took the field for a pickup game of kickball. There are reports that Coach S “got air.” There are further reports that he also landed – hard. As no cameras were near the field, there is no evidence of this feat.

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