This morning's clouds turned out to be the best weather of the day. By the 3:00 7/8 Crush game, the skies were threatening and the rain started falling shortly before the first whistle blew. Soon we had a steady, but not too hard rain falling. The showers didn't last long and they certainly didn't slow down the Crush team! The opponents were the Predators, but they turned into the prey.
The final score was 11-1, but that doesn't really tell the whole story. Most of those goals were scored in the first half. At halftime, Coach Fox decided to spice things up a little. As you will see in several of the pictures from this game, there were some new things to be seen. Long-pole middies playing with short poles, goalies playing attack, attack and defensemen playing goalie! It was madness, I tell you! I only know a few of the 7/8 boys, but it still just seemed wrong to see short poles where I am used to long poles and vice versa. The boys enjoyed the change. I can't say as much for the opposing team. They were still good sports about the whole thing.

It was even enough to bring a smile to a coach's face.
Immediately after the 7/8 game, I hurried down the hill to see the 5/6 Crush team take on the Timberwolves. The break in the weather didn't last long. Before the first half was over, we were all soaked. Once again, the 5/6 Crush team showed that they were learning. There were assists everywhere and smart plays in abundance. The final score of 9-6 Crush was a great reward for the play.
I wasn't kidding about the rain! It was pouring! Those are not streaks on my lens! Photography was extra hard because the wind was blowing into the parents' side of the field. It's really hard to hide under an umbrella and take pictures.

See, boys, what your families do for you?

It has been a fabulous weekend. Tonight the boys were having a barbecue. We still don't know what the plan is for Sunday. There was some effort going on to match up some challenge games, but that doesn't seem to be coming together. The 5/6 boys would really rather end with their great win and the 7/8 boys just can't seem to find anyone who wants to play them. If more games are arranged, I'll be there with my camera and will post pictures upon our return.